At the end of it all, good old South Africa swept the competition aside and took the trophy.
*The Nights of Card Games and endless alcohol Consumption
Now don't take this wrongly,i did my best to avoid intoxication by winning as many games as i could and I should add I make my homies back home proud with the some of the shit I had to down. Hahaha.Ho Kwin and Seb doing their thing
Ho Kwin with his new hairstyle a few minutes later
Aidan the Tutor who is always doing his best at overseeing our sweet escapades, but barely gets out of them sober
Note : I have been a good boy
*The Gunyah Invasion
One of the most horrifying experiences of my life. I was gagged and chunked into a car with 2white girls and an Asian kid,driven 4hours past endless dust and sand void of civilization and ended up in the middle of nowhere among skeletal remnants of only god-knows-what. Then i was forced to down many drinks and had to laugh and dance with my white captors. I was drugged to sleep and upon opening my eyes,found myself standing on the back of a truck with a cage around us in the mid day sun. Given shades,we rode for an hour to a Mt.Brown and had to gruellingly trek our way up to the tip of the mountain where i would be put to the stake as an offering to the rain gods. Fortunately stakes were not brought and i was spared. That night again i was drugged to sleep and waking up the next morning to the sound of tourturous music,was fed with bacon and sausages. Went to my captors crib and was chained to Quad bike/ATV and forced to ride it around like a happy idiot against my will. Next, they put me on a horse and made it gallop to hurt my delicate parts. I was drugged and driven back to college again. The End.......
Those were not the exact turn of events I went through but i can give u a one word to describe my weekend.
AWEEEEEEEEeeSOMEHow i was forced to sit with the other Asian captive
How I was pushed to take pictures with the white menThe sacrificial tower
The 2 guards who kept their cold gazes on me throughout my ordeal
The food i was forcefully fed with
How I was forced into camwhoring
And coherced into taking group photo looking happy
Being made to watch the painful Gunyah Olympics event of shovel-melon cricket...the horror
How they grabbed on to me making sure i did not escape
The last view i was supposed to take in
A picture i secretly snapped while on the truck in the cage
Chained to the quad bike and forced to drive itHow i was tortured by their horse
The events i have had the privelege of experiencing so far have trully been life-enriching. It just shows you what life has to offer and I tell you it is unlimited. It makes you realise how important it is to cherish what you have and to look forward to the best. It keeps you wondering and growing. It gives you hope that not all is dull and gloom. It gives you that extra boost when you are down. It keeps you alive.
I honestly thought you were being drugged to sleep when I read that...I was about to get on a plane and drag you back home!
Thank goodness they were fictional....right?!
I am glad you're having fun out there, just be careful now!
Only 4 more days and I am in Kuching, will you be there? Drop me a line on Facebook :-)
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