Today is the first day of july…
Just 2months until trial exams…it seems far…but really…I’m so worried
But at the times when we usually feel that we are not ready, that is the
when we really push ourselves. I hope that it will happen 2me 2. Cause I sure don’t wanna be stuck here for too long…
Im in KL now looking down at the streets below.
That’s why I appreciate the life God has given to me. Everything is provided, you just have to make the best out of it. I’ve been telling those I know the same thing, no matter how your life is, you always have a choice, the power to change things. I believe in that.
- the pretty one. im nt THAT pretty bt i bet you can guess which is her...-
*rapturous applause from her avid fans…mmmh…u gt any nt nana?…hahaha*
She’s my girlfriend! (you know…girl friend…da girl power kinda thing) yeah…so I gt dat straight. She’s the SAM student council President. My friend’s a president! Cool ey…hahaha.
Anyways, Nana is my big sister and the cruel Chinese *itch. (Im a gentleman nana, won’t say baddy bad bad stuff = p). Im her little sister. You see, she treats me ike her sister and I’m glad I have her around. But at times…she turns into an evil evil person, transforming into a being wif tiger-like claws of fury, the beak of a duck, traces of meow meow beard and an awesomely dangerous PURR…yes…her cat like purr is indeed deadly. At this state, she can beat,knock knock n scratch anyone who stands in her way of reaching her goal of…..ah…nxt timela I tell…dunno her goal yet.
And here’s Bob. -yes...bob...playing wif his sour sweet jelly thingy-
Bob has a Waja. Bob is very generous. VERY. And a VERY nice friend. Hahahaha. Bob is the King of Lame. His lameness can lame you into lameness (note the hint of lameness in this statement that it is so lame).
We’ll…surprisingly, I enjoyed that. Haha. Till my next post,
*Watchout for my next episode where I blog about a new episode! Not to be mssed!*
By the way…
Personally, I think this bla bla bla about Annwar is really making our country seem pathetic. Malaysia is not a stage to act out lives. Come on, stop toying around and do what you all are supposed to do.
Having too much IndoMee at one go can cause puking so…CAUTION
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