On the 29th of July at 5.30p.m the following events took place.
The day was hot and sunny.
I was in my room.
Raj came back.
'Dei,hotla. Still go jog ka?'
'Come onla. U said u wana jog rite?'
'Ok ok'
'I make playlist first'
I SLIPPED down a few bloody steps and it bloody hurt.
Could'nt even move or feel my foot.
In pain, in the room. In pain.
Go doctor? don't go doctor?
'Dei, go doctorla'
So off i go to the clinic with Hwang Yang n Raj.
I hop hop hop on one foot and struggle to get to Subang Square. Took 20 minutes.
Doctor : You should get an x-ray
Is that necessary?
Doctor : Yes to make sure there's no fracture
So i called my aunt and i was off to SJMC.
There were so many ppl there and no seats so i had 2wait standing. In pain.
Then the kind nurses got me a WHEELCHAIR. Whhhheeeeeeeeeeee...Hehehe.
Me on the wheelchair
I meet the doctor there.
There i am in the x-ray room.
The nurse gives me a padding to cover up my ASSET...protective thingyla which looks like a ping pong bat.
Doc : You need crutches
Doc : Yes if u want it to get better faster.
Went back 2apartment. Tried to call Sue but he didn't pick up. So i took 10mins to walk up the stairs. And i sit there in my room...in pain...finding it hard to sleep.
Is this something you would laugh at?
I go to college in pain...left 20mins earlier and yet was still late for class...on the TOP FLOOR...using the STAIRS...fun ey???
Bobson,Sue and Jie Hao laugh at me...hmm.....
Owh well...even sitting down hurt.
Nana lit up my day...she even got me 2sandwiches, a tiger and mineral water...nana, ur so kind...no wonder ur the cause of global warming...
But...it hits me again...I am alone after all...
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