Surpassing 100!!!

Wohoo! I've had more than a hundred views in less than a month...So happy...
(Give me's not like i'm famous or what so 100 is a good numberla k)

Aiming for 1000. Hope ya'll continue visiting. Thanks for the views yeah, means alot to me.

Let's see...YES...My Weekend.

I had a night swim at our family's place in KL...the pool was big, no one was in it and it seemed so appealing so we went in for a dip...

I miss the times when i could actually relax and leave stuff aside and appreciate what i have.
Those were the times when things seemed so much less complicated.
So less burdensome...lighter.
But nowadays it seems that there is always so much to do and so little time.
It's sad right?
More important things could be surfacing but we are so drowned in our self-made obligations.
Yes...maybe it's not the right time to rest or lay off a little, but that doesn't mean we have to neglect other things right?

Anyway...i swam in the dark and i smile...

But why the smile?...Well...cause im happy...that i have the chance to be where i am today..and im grateful for what God has given to me...

But after awhile...I start laughing...WHY???

cause im using boxers to swim and the people at the p0olside don't know!!! =p

*Please note pictures do not contain any sexiness at all so don't bother staring and
show no short..i know i not hotla don't make fun of me i just wanna show the picture wad -_-*

Let nothing disturb you;
All things are passing.
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
Nothing is wanting to him who posseses God.
God alone suffices.